CO-CLEAN “Co-designed and implementation of local sustainable energy action” is a project funded by the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania Montenegro 2014/2020 Programme, whose aim is to increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies in the involved territories through the implementation of innovative and consolidated actions, training and awareness-raising activities.

The objectives of the project are:

  • Generate a positive change in the behavior of citizens and stakeholders on the sustainable use of energy sources and on issues related to CO2 growth and climate change;
  • Increase, in the public sector, levels of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy through the implementation of actions aimed at improving the knowledge of public employees as well as the expertise and technologies on energy efficiency;
  • Reduce know-how disparities among project partners and create a permanent network to promote the exchange of good practices, data and information on energy efficiency.
  • Raise awareness among students, citizens and public opinion on the issue of eco-sustainability and environmental protection.
  • Increase and consolidate the brand reputation of the bodies involved in Co-Clean project in their community. Ensure that they are a virtuous example of best practices also for the private institutions of the territory and SMEs.
  • Ensure, when is possible, that the bodies involved in Co-Clean project create events, meetings, call conferences related to the European Union, design and opportunities and give appropriate communication.
  • Ensure that the bodies involved in Co-Clean project become reference points for their territories about the European Union’s cohesion policy by implementing promotion strategies for the Member States and for the regions.


  • Municipality of Brindisi: installation of a photovoltaic system on the Sant’Elia-Commenda Comprehensive Institute;
  • Municipality of Racale: installation of a photovoltaic system on the municipal swimming pool;
  • Consortium for the Industrial Development of the Biferno Valley: updating of the current air conditioning system dating back to 1998 in its administrative headquarters;
  • Municipality of Vlore: installation of solar panels on a municipal nursery;
  • Municipality of Berane: installation of a heating system in the Municipal Cultural Center.


  • The creation of an energy community composed of citizens and SMEs;
  • The implementation of energy efficiency measures on public buildings based on already tested good practices;
  • The realization of the Energy Festival to generate a positive change in the behaviour of citizens and stakeholders on the rational and sustainable use of energy sources;
  • The realization of a cross-border e-learning training course for public and technical employees.


  • Comune di Brindisi (Partner Capofila, Puglia) – LP;
  • Municipality of Racale (Puglia) – PP2;
  • COSIB – Consortium for the Industrial Development of the Biferno Valley (Molise) – PP3;
  • Municipality of Valona(Albania) – PP4;
  • Municipality of Berane(Montenegro) – PP5.

The project is co-funded by the European Union through the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA II)